Module connman_dbus

Get information about your network devices using Connman and DBus.

Requiring this module will return the Connman Manager singleton.

Proxy obejcts are updated in real time, provided that the code runs in a GLib main loop (such as the Awesome Window Manager).

NOTE: connman objects do not implement org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.PropertiesChanged.


  • Copyright: 2017 Stefano Mazzucco
  • License: Apache License, version 2.0
  • Author: Stefano Mazzucco


Manager:enable_offline_mode (is_offline) Set the global offline mode.
Manager:toggle_offline_mode () Toggle the global offline mode.
Manager:refresh_services () Refresh the table.
Manager:refresh_technologies () Refresh the Manager.technologies table.


Manager The Connman Manager singleton. Available Services.
Manager.technologies Available Technologies.

_service Functions

Service:enable_autoconnect (should_autoconnect) Set whether the service should connect automatically.
Service:toggle_autoconnect () Toggle the AutoConnect property.
Service:configure_nameservers (nameservers) Manually configure the domain name (DNS) servers.
Service:configure_timeservers (timeservers) Manually configure the time servers.
Service:configure_search_domains (searchdomains) Manually configure the search domains (instead of using DHCP or VPN).
Service:configure_ipv4 (config) Configure IPv4.
Service:configure_ipv6 (config) Configure IPv6.
Service:configure_proxy (config) Configure the proxy server.
Service:enable_mdns (use_mdns) Set whether Multicast DNS (mDNS) should be enabled for this service.

_technology Functions

Technology:enable_power (is_powered) Set whether the Technology should be powered.
Technology:toggle_power () Toggle the power state.
Technology:enable_tethering (is_tethered) Whether tethering should be enabled.
Technology:toggle_tethering () Toggle the tethering state.
Technology:set_tethering_identifier (id) Set the tethering broadcasted identifier.
Technology:set_tethering_passphrase (secret) Set the tethering connection passphrase (sensitive!).


Manager:enable_offline_mode (is_offline)
Set the global offline mode.

The offline mode indicates the global setting for switching all radios on or off. Changing offline mode to true results in powering down all devices. When leaving offline mode the individual policy of each device decides to switch the radio back on or not.

During offline mode, it is still possible to switch certain technologies manually back on. For example the limited usage of WiFi or Bluetooth devices might be allowed in some situations.


  • is_offline bool whether offline mode should be turned on
Manager:toggle_offline_mode ()
Toggle the global offline mode.

See also:

Manager:refresh_services ()
Refresh the table.
Manager:refresh_technologies ()
Refresh the Manager.technologies table.


The Connman Manager singleton. This table is returned when the module is loaded with require.

You must use Manager:SetProperty to set the writeable properties (you will need to wrap the value of the properti in an lgi.GLib.Variant), then update them with Manager:update_properties.

Manager's properties:

  • State: string. One of "offline", "idle", "ready" or "online".
  • OfflineMode: boolean
  • SessionMode: boolean (deprecated, always false)

For more information, see the connman Manager API documentation
Available Services.

Table containing Service objects. They can be accessed either using a numeric index (e.g.[1]) or using their object path (e.g.["/net/connman/service/wifi_123_managed_psk"]). The lower its numeric index, the higher the priority the service has.

For more information, see the connman Service API documentation.

Available Technologies.

Table containing Technology objects. They can be accessed either using a numeric index (e.g. Manager.technologies[1]) or using their object path (e.g. Manager.technologies["/net/connman/technology/wifi"]).

For more information, see the connman Technology API documentation.

_service Functions

Service:enable_autoconnect (should_autoconnect)
Set whether the service should connect automatically.

If set to true, this service will auto-connect when no other connection is available.

The service won't auto-connect while roaming.

For favorite services it is possible to change this value to prevent or permit automatic connection attempts.


  • should_autoconnect bool whether the service should connect automatically.
Service:toggle_autoconnect ()
Toggle the AutoConnect property.

See also:

Service:configure_nameservers (nameservers)
Manually configure the domain name (DNS) servers.

Some cellular networks don't provide correct name servers and this allows for an override.

When using manual configuration and no global nameservers are configured, then it is useful to configure this setting.

Changes to the domain name servers can be done at any time. It will not cause a disconnect of the service. However there might be small window where name resolution might fail.


  • nameservers {string,...} Array of strings. This array is sorted by priority and the first entry in the list represents the nameserver with the highest priority.
Service:configure_timeservers (timeservers)
Manually configure the time servers.

When using manual configuration this setting is useful to override all the other timeserver settings. This is service specific, hence only the values for the default service are used.

Calling this method will result in restart of NTP query.


  • timeservers {string,...} Array of strings. The first entry in the list represents the timeserver with the highest priority.
Service:configure_search_domains (searchdomains)
Manually configure the search domains (instead of using DHCP or VPN).


  • searchdomains {string,...} Array of strings.
Service:configure_ipv4 (config)
Configure IPv4.

Calling this method will cause a state change of the service. The service will become unavailable until the new configuration has been successfully installed.


  • config table

    table with the following fields:

    • Method (string) Possible values are dhcp, manual, auto and off.
    • Address (string) The IPv4 address.
    • Netmask (string) The IPv4 netmask.
    • Gateway (string) The IPv4 gateway.
Service:configure_ipv6 (config)
Configure IPv6.

Calling this method will cause a state change of the service. The service will become unavailable until the new configuration has been successfully installed.


  • config table

    table with the following fields:

    • Method (string) Possible values are auto, manual, and off.
    • Address (string) The IPv6 address.
    • PrefixLength (number) The prefix length of the IPv6 address.
    • Gateway (string) The IPv6 gateway.
    • Privacy (string) Set the IPv6 privacy extension as described in RFC4941. The value has only meaning if Method is set to auto. Possible values are disabled, enabled and preferred.
Service:configure_proxy (config)
Configure the proxy server.


  • config table

    table with the following fields:

    • Method (string) Possible values are direct, auto and manual. In case of auto method, the URL file can be provided by the URL field (unless you want to let DHCP/WPAD auto-discover to be tried). For the manual method the Servers field must be set, the Excludes field is optional.
    • URL (string) Automatic proxy configuration URL. Needed when Method is set to auto.
    • Servers ({string,...}) List of proxy URIs. The URI without a protocol will be interpreted as the generic proxy URI. All others will target a specific protocol and only once. This field must be set if Method is set to manual. For example, a generic proxy URI may look like
    • Excludes ({string,...}) List of hosts which can be accessed without the need of a proxy. This field is optionally used when Method is set to auto.
Service:enable_mdns (use_mdns)
Set whether Multicast DNS (mDNS) should be enabled for this service.

Note: mDNS requires a DNS backend which supports it. Currently the only DNS backend which supports mDNS is systemd-resolved.


  • use_mdns bool Whether mDNS should be used.

_technology Functions

Technology:enable_power (is_powered)
Set whether the Technology should be powered.


  • is_powered bool Whether the Technology should be powered.
Technology:toggle_power ()
Toggle the power state.

See also:

Technology:enable_tethering (is_tethered)
Whether tethering should be enabled.

This method allows one to enable or disable the support for tethering. When tethering is enabled then the default service is bridged to all clients connected through the technology.


  • is_tethered bool Whether tethering is enabled.
Technology:toggle_tethering ()
Toggle the tethering state.

See also:

Technology:set_tethering_identifier (id)
Set the tethering broadcasted identifier.

This method is only valid for the WiFi technology, and is then mapped to the WiFi AP SSID clients will have to join in order to gain internet connectivity.


  • id string The tethering identifier.
Technology:set_tethering_passphrase (secret)
Set the tethering connection passphrase (sensitive!).

This method is only valid for the WiFi technology, and is then mapped to the WPA pre-shared key clients will have to use in order to establish a connection.


Take extra care when using this method and the corresponding TetheringPassphrase field as connman does not make any security guarantee in regard!!!


  • secret string The tethering passphrase.
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2019-11-10 15:18:39